Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE)

Joint Admissions Exercise
The JAE Appeal exercise for admission into Victoria Junior College will open on 4 Feb 2025, Tues, 10 am. Visit our JAE appeal site for more details.
The Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) to junior colleges, Millennia Institute, polytechnic and Institute of Technical Education is conducted by the Ministry of Education in January each year. Secondary 4 Express and 5 Normal (Academic) students can find out details on the JAE timeline application process at MOE's website here.
In 2024, the cut-off points for VJC Science stream is 6 and Arts stream is 8.
Frequently Asked Questions
How are bonus points computed?
Students with A1 to C6 in both their first languages (English and Higher Mother Tongue) enjoy 2 bonus points for all their choices.
Students who obtained an 'A' grade in CCA can enjoy 2 bonus points for all their choices. Those who obtained a 'B' or 'C' grade in CCA are given 1 bonus point for all their choices.
Students from Victoria School will be given 2 bonus points for affiliation ONLY IF they choose VJC as their first choice, or as their first and second choices.
Students are allowed a maximum of 4 bonus points in the computation of their net aggregate score.
When do I choose my subject combinations in VJC?
You will be briefed on the various subjects and given instructions on subject enrolment on the first day of school.
What are factors I should consider when choosing my Stream and my subject combination? Are there any prerequisites for any subjects?
We urge students to choose a subject combination based on their interests and strengths, as well as their preferred course of study at university.
Some courses offered in university have pre-requisites, and students are strongly encouraged to visit the university websites to find out more.
For more information on subjects offered in VJC, do check our website. You may also find out more from our teacher advisors. Please write to:
Dr Wu Jiang, Head of Science at:
Ms Sharon Tey, Head of Science at:
Ms Goh Hui Hua, Head of Dept/Arts at:
Mr Ivan Toh, Head of Talent Development & Education and Career Guidance at:
Must I take Mother Tongue at VJC?
Students who did not take Higher Mother Tongue at O-Levels must take H1 MTL.
Students who have obtained at least D7 in the O-Level Higher Mother Tongue examination would have met the minimum requirement for University Admission.
However, students who wish to improve their MTL grade can continue to take Higher 1 MTL and sit for the exam at the end of JC1.
The H1 MTL grade will be included in the computation of UAS for admission to local universities and for admission to MTL-related courses if the applicant has done well in it. Please refer to the university websites for more information.
Where can I get more information about the subjects examined at GCE A-Level?
Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) provides comprehensive information on the subjects which are examined at GCE A-Levels. You may find out more from their website at
Is CCA compulsory in JC?
CCAs are not compulsory. However, we urge students to take up at least one CCA so that they can have a balance of academic and non-academic activities. CCAs are a great platform to pursue your talent and interests, take on new challenges, and foster strong relationships with peers.
I am not an IP student.Is there any disadvantage if I join VJC from the JAE?
There is no disadvantage to being a JAE student in VJC. In fact, JAE students form the majority in VJC (more than 60%). JC1 students (IP & JAE) will choose their subject combinations and start their academic lessons only after the JAE students report. There is no separation of classes either - Victorians are put in mixed classes regardless of background. All Victorians have equal opportunity for leadership and equal access to our wide range of programmes and awards.